5428. HOW IT APPEARS: The Sun goes around the Earth.
5429. HOW IT REALLY IS: The Earth goes around the Sun.
5430. HOW IT APPEARS: The government goes to war in order to protect us from our enemies.
5431. HOW IT REALLY IS: The government creates enemies and wars in order to enslave us.
5432. HOW IT APPEARS: Jesus Christ and Muhammad came to give men the word of God and to bring them salvation.
5433. HOW IT REALLY IS: Jesus Christ and Muhammad came to give men the false hope that they can be saved without making any effort to improve themselves.
5434. HOW IT APPEARS: Existence consists of matter in space and time which spontaneously organizes itself into living organisms.
5435. HOW IT REALLY IS: Existence consists of spiritual beings who create space and time and matter to serve as their playground.
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This article is Chapter 169 in LIBERTY FOR ALL MEN EVERYWHERE – The Theory And Practice Of Freedom by Dale Samson. This book is available at http://www.libfame.com.
© Copyright 2010 Dale Richard Samson. Partial quotations of this chapter are permitted with attribution. Cite source as Dale Samson's LIBERTY FOR ALL MEN EVERYWHERE at http://www.libfame.com.