5483. In the last three centuries there has been a great change in the way the world works. Freedom has become a reality. Freedom has brought prosperity. Freedom and prosperity have brought technological advancement. The population has greatly increased.
5484. In the past the world was dominated by fighters and warlords, by nobles and kings. These kings often claimed to be working in the service of God. Now the world is dominated by great industrial and commercial empires and by great governments. The great governments, both Western and Communist, claim to be working in the service of “the people”. The Islamic governments, although they get their money and power from the commercial value of their oil, still claim to be working in the service of God.
5485. This great change in the last 300 years is what Marx calls the “bourgeois revolution”, the change from feudalism to free enterprise, which Marx calls “capitalism”. This is the change from the domination of strong men to the domination of rich men.
5486. In earlier centuries we had cutthroats in royal robes. Now we have cutthroats in suits with billion dollar bank accounts. Their servants are law firms, Government Officials, and PR firms. Their lies are the best that money can buy.
5487. Despite the fancy clothes, the polished furniture, the fine food, the attentive servants, and the good manners, such men are stone cold killers. Do not be fooled.
5488. The purpose of cutthroats, then and now, is to possess all the wealth and power and to enslave all men.
5489. Marx’s solution is to kill all the rich men. This reverses the change of the last three centuries. In killing the rich men, freedom and prosperity are also killed. We return to universal slavery and universal poverty.
5490. Killing the rich men means you get a new gang of cutthroats running things. They are usually much worse than the old cutthroats.
5491. Slavery is normal. Freedom is rare and glorious. In the broad sweep of history, we are at the tail end of a brief moment of freedom and prosperity. We should try to reverse the present collapse of civilization back into slavery.
5492. In Communist countries, the population is neutralized by totalitarianism and dogmatism. They are taught to hate. They are sent out to make war against those who own things and who buy and sell freely.
5493. In America, the population is neutralized (1) by telling them that the government will take care of them, (2) by making them ignorant and illiterate, (3) by drugging them, and (4) by bankrupting them. This explains (1) the pretense of super protection by the government, (2) the destruction of education, (3) the destruction of health care, and (4) rampant debt.
5494. Ruthless Super Rich cutthroats dominate all the giant money flows in the world: Banks, Oil, Illegal Drugs, Legal Drugs, and Health Care.
5495. Ruthless Super Rich cutthroats control governments, intelligence agencies, and criminal organizations.
5496. Super Rich cutthroats care nothing about good and evil. But they care greatly about what people can be made to believe. Their plan for conquest is mainly a campaign of deception, a sea of lies. That’s how evil works. That is their weak point. Truth is the road to freedom.
5497. Super Rich cutthroats think in terms of power, not in terms of good and evil. Their goals are always to conquer and to enslave. They fight truth and goodness because truth and goodness are barriers to their goals of conquest and slavery.
5498. If Super Rich cutthroats were to think in terms of good and evil, in terms of happiness and suffering, then they might realize that what they are doing is wrong and causes suffering. So they put their attention on the game of power. The goal is to conquer, to enslave, to destroy the enemy, to win!
5499. The tools of conquest and slavery are force and deception.
5500. The Right is gullible in believing that the government is taking care of them.
5501. The Left is gullible in believing that a new gang of cutthroats will be better than the old gang of cutthroats.
5502. Type 2 religious people (Type 2 says that man is a material being created by God. His mission is to believe and to obey, which will be rewarded after death by eternal life in heaven.) are gullible in believing that God is taking care of them and that their supposedly loving God is going to torture forever everyone who does not believe what they believe.
5503. Materialists are gullible in believing that death will bring an end to their suffering and guilt and that atoms, molecules, and computers experience Thought, Emotion, Effort, love, hate, joy, sorrow, beauty, ugliness, success, failure, ecstasy, and agony, as if they were conscious spiritual beings, which they are not.
5504. Vast wealth tends to promote the philosophy, the ethics, and the purposes of those who own it.
5505. Vast wealth tends to promote the false beliefs, the lies, the Conspiracies, and the wars of those who own it.
5506. America is earning the hatred of the world.
5507. The Right remembers the ideal of Liberty and wants to support it. But they believe the lies of their evil leaders.
5508. The Left hates America and wants to destroy it. They confuse America with the evil men who are running it.
5509. The people of America, those who still care, are sinking into confusion, hysteria, and despair.
5510. The America that was the beacon of Liberty to the world is becoming only a bittersweet memory.
5511. The world has six billion people. They are caught up in wars, Conspiracies, particularly one dominant Conspiracy, Communism, lies, drugs, Decadence, Type 2 religions, and materialism. Very few people have even the slightest idea what’s going on. It’s a zoo! The inmates are running the asylum!
5512. We should not rely on God’s love to solve our problems. God’s love did not keep us out of this mess. It is evident that if we want our problems to be solved, then we have to do it ourselves.
5513. You are being played with, toyed with, used, tricked, and deceived. You are expendable.
5514. You need to work to rescue Liberty and civilization and to establish Liberty for all men everywhere. If you succeed, the world will be a fun place to live.
5515. The big picture is that you are a divine being fallen into the soup. You need to know that you will live forever. You need to know that you are the cause of your own future and that there is a lot of it. So it would make sense for you to work hard to make it a future that you’re going to like.
5516. You need to know that you can do something to make things better.
5517. You need to take aggressive action to make the world a better place.
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This article is Chapter 172 in LIBERTY FOR ALL MEN EVERYWHERE – The Theory And Practice Of Freedom by Dale Samson. This book is available at http://www.libfame.com.
© Copyright 2010 Dale Richard Samson. Partial quotations of this chapter are permitted with attribution. Cite source as Dale Samson's LIBERTY FOR ALL MEN EVERYWHERE at http://www.libfame.com.